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? asked in Computers & InternetInternetFacebook · 5 months ago

How do you read a message on Facebook that the person is known as Facebook user?

So i don't check my Facebook spam folder hardly any and i checked it today and there was a message from October from Facebook user. You think they would tell you that you have spam in your folder but they didn't. Now i want to see what it says. But it might be a good thing i didn't see it. Should i try to ask Facebook if they can tell me what it just in case it is important.

5 Answers

  • 5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) if it was in the spam folder, then FB already has deemed it span, either through reporting from other users, or that the message 'looked' like spam due to many different filters that are in play. 

    2) FaceBook User is a clue.  This means that the message was there, and was sent, but that the USER has been either banned or deleted.  

    You are best to leave it alone.  If Facebook says it's bad, you don't' want to see it.  It could just be some advert for 'snake oil' but it could also be a link with a payload, meaning virus, trojan, etc.  So, you are smart just to leave it. Delete if possible, and move on. 

  • 5 months ago

    You can't. If you're unable to read the message from a Facebook User, then it's already declared as spam.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    If the Message does not show you wont be able to Read it there is nothing you can do  

  • 5 months ago

    you might not be able to if its a scam

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    if its spam it might be better if you dont see it

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