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Was Whitney Houston one of a kind?
and will their be another?
5 Answers
- Steve HLv 66 months agoFavorite Answer
She was certainly an exceptional singer and no one will ever be exactly like her. Yet there are many amazing female vocalists and there will always be more.
It so happens I Googled "best female vocalists" and randomly selected a listing that sounded good. Whitney is considered #1 on that site, so there you go.
Yet in 50 years time she will have moved down in ranking to some much lower position, to be replaced by a host of the most popular artists of the times.
- I Like StoriesLv 76 months ago
Her cousin, Dionne Warwick was no slouch. Her flame was pretty short lived, such a waste of god given talent.
- D.E.B.S.Lv 76 months ago
There are plenty of excellent voices throughout time and there will be more. Likewise, there are plenty of drug addicts who have ODed and will be plenty more to come.
- ?Lv 76 months ago
Were it not for "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)", I could have never heard of her. She truly murderized the poor old Scar Mangled Spanner with her yodel at the end.