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How many times a day do you get your mini USB the wrong way around when charging your smartphone ?

8 Answers

  • 7 months ago

    None, because all my phones have got either Lightning or USB-C, and both are reversible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    never, since mine plugs in either way

  • 8 months ago

    For me, it would be how many times a Week or a Month. 

    My phone usually stays connected continuously 

    because I don't often carry it around. 

    Lv 6
    8 months ago

    Mine has a USB c, so or doesn't matter which way around it is. Also, I've fitted a magnetic charging cable, so I can't scratch it.

  • Rarely because almost all of my devices (micro USB and USB-C) have a magnetic plug. 

    I can charge them with the same type of cord. 

    In addition, it preserves the USB connectors from mechanical stress.

    I don't use a data cable for data transfer, I use WLAN with Kdeconnect (to Linux) or AndSMB or Folder Sync (to Windows).

    Note that the articulated design has real advantages over the standard version (better freedom of movement without disconnection).

    Attachment image
  • 8 months ago

    Never had this as a problem before USB C, due to the USB icon on one side of the plug, and since USB C, not even an issue.

    Solved this for others with a colored dot of white out or nail polish, on the right side up, for those with poor eyesight, they could see the color or feel the raised dot. 

  • 8 months ago

    None. USB C does not have this issue. Get a new phone.

  • 8 months ago

    Never because it's a USB-C. On the older Android one there is a little USB symbol embossed on the correct side.

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