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? asked in Education & ReferenceStudying Abroad · 9 months ago

I want to travel abroad. Which of my work is more important?

2 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    IF you have the money, you can be a tourist & travel. 

    IF you are thinking you want to work abroad, those options are rapidly growing more limited. Since covid pushed so many more people into working from home - telecommuting - employers are learning they do not need people on-site for a great many jobs. They can be done from anywhere. IF you hold the advanced degrees, experience, expertise, etc, to formerly qualify for a temporary employment visa in a shortage occupation somewhere, expect that type of job is no longer so likely to get you any visa. You probably can work remotely, and stay right at home.

  • 9 months ago

    No idea; as you've given no context at all.

    If you want to travel as a tourist - go ahead and plan a holiday (once the pandemic's over).

    If you want to work abroad; research the criteria for a work visa in the country of your choice, and see if you meet them.

    If you want to study abroad; ensure you can afford it, and it's worth doing (eg that your qualification will be recognised in your own country). 

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