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? asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 10 months ago

My friend passed away and I seen her in a train station a week later , what does it mean?

My friend (female) was in a bad car crash , the car caught on fire and she was trapped inside , she burned alive ,she passed away , then about a week later , at the train station, I noticed this girl, she caught my attention,  she was dirty, had small tight shorts on and sandals , her arms face legs and feet were dirty,  and her hair was short and (nappy) it looked like her hair had been burned,  she had hair still but it looked burned , (short and nappy) she noticed me looking at her then she started staring at me ,I looked away and forgot about her, the train came , I got in , she let me go in first then she entered the same train cart I was in , i got off at my exit , and when i turned to go down the stairs i glanced up and noticed that she had gotten off to , and she was staring at me non stop from a distance, I looked at her , but i didn't want to just keep staring and not move , I went down the stairway and didn't see her ever again, it wasn't until the last stare down that I compared her to my friend (rip) I walked home in shock , I couldn't stop thinking about how she looked just like my friend , I know it was her , does this mean anything ? It gave me the chills when I realised it was her , I remember her face like she was still in front of me today , it was her 

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