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Webcam from Amazon?
I recently got a webcam which has a built-in camera, but when my mum talks on Zoom, nobody can hear her. This means she has to use a hand held microphone for others to hear her talk. Why is this the case with a webcam that has a built-in microphone?
4 Answers
- keerokLv 711 months ago
You got a webcam with a built-in camera? Imagine the horror if it didn't!
Not all webcams come with a microphone. Horrors!!!
- dewcoonsLv 711 months ago
The microphone is not part of the web cam. It is a separate piece of hardware. Apparrently zoom does not like the sound card that is in the laptop. Its drivers are not compatible with Zoom. Or you have not configure the sound card in the Zoom program.
- ?Lv 711 months ago
"Mum." Are you British? Anyway... we can't really help you without knowing the make & model of the camera and any messages that pop up when it's used.
In general, you need to make sure the proper device drivers are installed. Did the camera come with a User Guide? If so, reread it and see if you missed any installation steps. If you want specific help then you'll need to post the info I mentioned at the top.