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What is your favourite car, and why?
9 Answers
- Gummy RoachLv 711 months agoFavorite Answer
The AMC Pacer. Probably one of the ugliest cars ever made. I'm sure if I had one of those, it'd turn a lot of heads and I'd get a lot of laughs and ridicule for having it.
- Anonymous11 months ago
Lexus because they are the sign that I have made it to the point where I wanna be in life. <3 #nomorestruggles
- Anonymous11 months ago
The one I drive. It's painted Voodoo Blue and I bought it outright.
- Phantom FeitanLv 611 months ago
I've always liked the dodge viper because it's quite beautiful, looks very fun to drive and it's one of the first sports cars I've seen since my babysitter used to have one.
- Anonymous11 months ago
The car from Knight Rider
- Anonymous11 months ago
In general my favorite is a car that drives well, is reliable, and is paid for with cash. I know, not an exciting answer.
I own a Chevy truck, a 1966. It meets all the above requirements and is really fun to drive around in my town. It's an extra car that I own, it's not my main car (which also meets all the requirements above).