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My 1986 Toyota corolla wont start. I've tried changing the blinker fluid but it still wont help! All suggestions would be appreciated.?
5 Answers
- ?Lv 612 months agoFavorite Answer
Rotate the spark plugs after you check the muffler bearings. If that doesn’t work, change the air in the tires.
- The DevilLv 712 months ago
It has OBD1 that you can check. Your owner's manual shows how to do that. If you want me to guess, I could give you a list that would choke you. If there's no spark, see if the cam belt snapped or slipped. Then the distributor will not turn when you crank the engine. It could also be a saturated carburetor float. They do get saturated if you use high alcohol content fuel. A float that won't float will allow the carb to flood the engine. I know you're horsing around asking about blinker fluid, but if someone else has problems with their '86 Corolla- and there are a lot of them still on the road, running well- answers here should be sensible.
- Anonymous12 months ago
Make sure the blinker fluid is non-alcoholic of the car will get pissed with you.
- Anonymous12 months ago
Not much register on the troll meter. Try again.
- Coffee DrinkerLv 712 months ago
Check to see if your muffler bearings are seized up. That's usually the next step if topping off the blinker fluid doesn't work.