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Possible symptoms of coronavirus?

I live in Scotland and have made phone calls and searched the NHS website without success. My mum has been self-isolating for 3 weeks and was diagnosed with coronavirus. I started experiencing breathing abnormalities on 15th April. I'm wheezing a bit and when I take deep breaths, I have mild pain in my chest. I couldn't find the answer anywhere else, so I'm trying Yahoo. Now that 7 days have passed since I started getting mild symptoms, is it all right for me to go back to work as a carer for the elderly and go to the supermarket even if my breathing isn't quite right? I wouldn't say I have shortness of breath but I'm wondering if I would go back to work only when my symptoms have stopped.

2 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    You need yo self isolate and be tested

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    In USA they're saying 14 days quarantine. So since your job requires you to be around old people you probably should wait the whole 14 days.

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