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If the state covered your cost of living, would you still go to work?

not a fkn chance in hell

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Depends on what kind of work I am doing.

  • 1 year ago

    Yes, I would still go to work.  I enjoy my work, and honestly--even if I didn't, I'd find something else.  Receiving an income from the state to "cover the cost of living" is just that--and no more.  I need, and want, more than just my fixed expenses being covered.

  • 1 year ago

    Yes, As of 2015 I've been on disability, I find it very boring trying to come up with activities for myself. If the the state covered my cost of living, I could work to earn extra money to travel.

  • Depends on how much would the cost of living for the state as each state would have it's own budget for it's citizens. for example, $ 500,000 Budget for Georgia, $3,000,000million for California, $1,000,000 for new york and divide the budget by how many citizens in total are throughout the state, so I would still work as I would get too bored of course, but other than that. I would also get some loans for student and go to school and hopefully they would cover the cost of schooling, technical, and pay before you sign up, not afterwards.

  • 1 year ago

    But, in England, some people used to go to work when they could get state money to live on. However, this is not available any more.

    Source(s): I live on state money, as an aged person, in England; also looked this up in a benifits book.
  • 1 year ago

    I habitually procrastinate when I'm between jobs. It's nice to take a break sometimes from responsability of working. However after a week or two I start to go stir crazy. Would it be nice to have the choice to not work, sure. Would I enjoy setting a schedule I prefer instead of require? Absolutely. Not working at all though? No way. I would still hold a job to keep my sanity. If you CANT work then I suppose it could be different. But in my experience, disabled folks still find some form of work. I've worked with people who have physical injuries, mental disabilities, the deaf, the blind, etc. Even one member of my family is on disability due to crippling social anxieties. She chose to babysit several children, some of which she does for free. Everyone needs to feel productive. Feeling like a leach sucks, especially if you really are one. Leave the taxpayers money for those who truly need it. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Sure, would be nice to have some extra spending cash

  • 1 year ago

    I need above average income so yes

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    If they're only covering the cost of living, yes I would still work to have some extra money maybe I wouldn't work as much as I do now. 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No but thats never going to happen so no point dreaming about it.

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