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Ramadan: I have been told mohammad had a special horse. so is it true? .?

who can tell me what was its name and what was special about his horse.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's special mule not a hoarse 

    called al buraq

    human faced mule. Muhammad floated on it to heaven back and forth. 

    Islam is joke.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No that was the Donkey he had sex with

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    It was a sheep and he humped it. Then married a 6 year old little girl.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Horses of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W):

    1."Sakb": (running water)- this horse was named due to its speed. The horse that Nabi Muhammed SAW rode in the battle of Uhud.

    2."Murtajiz"- the neigher/ the one that sings in tune. Ibn Qutaiba R.A says that this horse was named such because of its neigh. This horse had a beautiful neighing sound.

    3.'Laḥīf", better pronounced as Luhaif - The one that drags (this horse was given this name due to its long tail that would drag on the floor).

    4."Lizāz"- sometimes pronounced as Lizaar, - the one that clings or catches up (to the one being chased),

    5."Ẓarib", better pronounced as Dharib- A well built horse meaning- Little Mountain.

    6."Ward"- means Rose (described the horse as being a reddish or roan colour.The horse that Tamim Al Dari R.A gave to Nabi Muhammed SAW.

    7.Sab'ḥah"- The swimmer (due to its beautiful running movement).

    8."Ya'sub"- Named after a tall bird because of its height and slenderness.

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