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Subaru baja engine swap?

I have a 2006 Subaru baja sport 5 speed manual , non turno , I want more power , anybody know what the easiest engine swap would be for this car? Or is there any way I can turbo it ? I wont ever race it , just need extra power to go up hill and pass up cars on the highway. Thanks 

2 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    I'd swap the Forester XT turbo engine in there. adding a turbo to the N/A engine is possible, but it won't have all the internal benefits of a stock turbo engine (ie. forged internals).

  • 1 year ago

    Look up the Baja in Edmond's and you will find it is worth more than the Outback it is based on, and is well on it's way to appreciating in value as a collector car.

    rather than butchering it you could sell it and buy an STI.

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