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I don't celebrate Halloween because of religious reasons?

What sort of jobs in the UK would suit me? I don't feel comfortable working in places which put up Halloween decorations, but the problem is most workplaces are involved with Halloween.

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 year ago

    be a garbage man

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Consider emigrating to a nation where supporting Halloween traditions will incur the death penalty. You would fit in well. Be sure to pick the right country.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    As a student of history and religion, I know that there is a lot of misinformation out there about Halloween.  Your religion is your own business, but since your beliefs are interfering with your life, I thought you might want to know this:

    Halloween is controversial, but it may interest you to know that Halloween has been celebrated by Catholics since at least 835 AD when Pope Gregory IV moved the date to the eve of All Saints Day, and called it All Hallows Eve, hence the origin of the name Halloween. This time of the year traditionally remembers the spirits of the dead and was a spiritual cleansing time of casting out devils and witches in preparation for the new church year. The Latin American community has a similar theme for it's Catholic based Feast of the Dead. As for those who object because it has pagan roots--every traditional Christian celebration has pagan roots, because before Christianity that's all there was--except for Judaism which also has pagan roots for the same reason. The early Christians were savvy enough to adapt the pagan ceremonies for their own purposes. Most pagan religions were not evil, but simply nature based, similar to Native American beliefs, and built around seasonal events such as the harvest.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    No they are not. Food shops don't do it, or offices.

    You need to get out and look around you.


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