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Disability Confident employers in UK?
I have autism, and Employers who sign up to the Disability Confident scheme are more likely to consider disabled interviewees. In the past an interviewer commented that I wasn't showing much enthusiasm, but I'm definitely enthusiastic about the jobs I apply for. If I attend an interview with a Disability Confident employer, is it all right to declare the fact that I have autism? My concern is that some employers might prefer to recruit people who don't have autism or a disability.
3 Answers
- 2 years ago
If they are disability confident, they wont fault you for your autism and your apparent lack of enthusiasm. They are likely to be more enthusiastic about you if they know.
- Anonymous2 years ago
If I were you if they don't ask don't tell. Employers will hire the best person for the job irrespective of any disability, that's the way it is.
Every interview you attend and take part in will give you valuable experience and stand you in good stead for the next one.
If you are job hunting as long as you are keen, presentable, positive, willing to learn and flexible there will be a job for you!
- Anonymous2 years ago
I would work on how you convey that you are enthusiastic about the job you are applying for. Hoping to gain an edge by declaring a condition may not help at all. Find out about the company you are hoping to work for (look at their website) so that you can confidently say why you want to work there. I am always amazed that people fail to do this and when asked at interview invariably end up saying 'dunno'.