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Anonymous asked in SportsRugby · 2 years ago

Are pre match war dances fair.?

New Zealand have the Haka and in my mind get a psychological advantage from it and other nations have a dance too. But should they be banned to make everyone equal?.

6 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a massive All Blacks fan and have been for more than 30 years and I don't like the Haka.  I don't want to ban it but I don't want it to be a featured part of the spectacle (which it always is).  They should do their warm-ups in private and they can warm up however they like.  They should be doing it in the locker room if they choose to do it at all.  It gets WAY TOO much attention as far as I'm concerned.  People like dance and cultural rituals way too much as far as I'm concerned. I'm not necessarily into banning that but they can do that in private.  I'm interested in the rugby part.  Yes, it's an unfair advantage (and one that they don't need).

  • 1 year ago

    Its not a war dance, its a challenge.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 year ago

    They don't give the opposion an advantage because as long as they couldn't care less like we couldn't it's alright

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Of course they're not fair. They give the side that does them a huge moral booster. There was a phase when the opposition got sick of it and "fronted up" to the war dance, with the famous incident of the Irish advancing on the All Blacks until they were nose to nose. Then the RU told the recipients of the war dance that they had to "respect" the dance.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The original haka was alright,but now it's almost farcical.

  • We should all have a pre-match challenge.

    The Irish could do Riverdance or perhaps intimidate the enemy with camáns.

    The Welsh could sing Cwm Rhondda and burn down the opposition's holiday cottages.

    The Scots could wave broken bottles and shout "I dinna like you, Jimmy.  I'm gonna change the shape o' your face."

    The English could do a Morris dance, then say "If there's any more of this nonsense, you'll be hearing from my solicitor."

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