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how many agree that changing the quran is a sin?

lets look at just one of hundreds of changes in the unchanged quran] . sura 5:32 we ordain for the children of Israel [ the jews] that any one kills a person--- unless it be for murder or spreading mischief in the land-- it would be as if he slew the whole people ect… so how many muslims have a fake quran that says something different ?

4 Answers

  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    all authentic Qurans will have the exact same arabic wording.. and some have english or other language transliterations or explainations under the arabic, but the authentic arabic has NEVER changed one dot or one iota never, ever...

  • 2 years ago

    given to the prophet Mohammad by Satan and not from the Lord. If Mohammad had possessed any knowledge of the scriptures, he would have immediately dismissed the visions as having come from Satan. The Bible, the Word of God, was in existence over 630 years before Mohammad received his "vision"

    The Lord would NEVER send someone a vision which totally conflicted with His own holy written word.

    Satan has many names in scripture such as "deceiver" "destroyer" "liar" "murderer" etc., and own as the "author of confusion" When we see the total destruction of the numerous cities in the middle east countries who are Islamic, we see how Satan has succeeded in wreaking death and destruction Just as the Lord stated, "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God" (Psalm 9:17). Scripture warns us about these 'visions" and also that which appears to be a miracle as Satan can perform them also. The Lord has made it abundantly clear when he states in His Word as proclaimed by Paul, "If I or an angel from heaven should deliver unto you a gospel which is other that the one I preach (gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ) Let him be eternally damned"

    The Lord Himself holds man accountable and has declared him to be without excuse as the very creation every where testifies of the existence of the Creator.

    Source(s): King James Bible, Bible teacher, Born again
  • PBUH
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    Salami. I did a brief door-to-door survey and found that 218 out of 1137 people agree that changing the Quran is a sin.

  • 2 years ago

    at least 0 people

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