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How much worse will things get if the Democrats win big in 2020?
And what will the Left's reaction be when they are wrong and I am right?
10 Answers
- dumbLv 67 months ago
Merely continue the downward trend in life since Abraham Lincoln was shot in 1865.
- Anonymous7 months ago
You must be, The Chosen One.
- JeancommunicatesLv 79 months ago
We finally have a President who will deal with Big Pharma. We finally have a President who will deal and get us fair trade agreements. We finally have a President who will bring foreign companies back to America so we can have more jobs. We finally have a President who upholds the Freedom of Religion. We finally have a President who tries to eliminate abortion. We finally have a President who nominates conservative justices to the Supreme Court so God's laws can be upheld. We finally have a President who got us the "Right to Try" Act for those on their deathbed. And he saved lives. Do you really think Joe Biden could have gotten PPE, gloves, masks and ventilators as quickly as President Trump. We'd still be waiting on China.
America needs to wake up. It is the Democrat cities that are lawless and burning with rioters. It is this, THIS Democrat party that wants to dictate to Americans what they can do and not do. They had all the corruption going their way and then Americans put Donald Trump in as the President of the USA.
- ?Lv 62 years ago
you will never be right because you are against common sense and all for the idiot chosen one
- Anonymous2 years ago
False premise.
Try again...
- Anonymous2 years ago
Worse? 🥴 Obama did waaaaaaay better than Trump in trying to get us out of the red zone.
Trump dipped us further in.
So... may God bless the best Democrat to pick us back up. Seems like they're the only ones who can successfully manage @ Bill Clinton.
- Anonymous2 years ago
All major recessions, including the great depression, have happened under Republican leadership.
- W.T. DoorLv 72 years ago
That would be a catastrophe for America.
There will be many, many leftists screaming at the sky from their safe spaces.
- Anonymous2 years ago
It can't get much worse than it is now so long as they can curb the growth rate of the national debt.