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when to use masonry waterproofer / sealer and when to use masonry i use both?
I'm painting the exterior of my house which is new bare masonry / stucco. I cant find any definitive answer on the difference between the masonry sealer and primer...are they the same? do i need both if im going to paint
2 Answers
- chrisLv 72 years ago
Two different animals!
Sealer is for raw unpainted masonry because it soaks in and seals the pores leaving a "waterproof" finish on it.
Paint / primer is a surface finish which also seals the pores.
Problem: even with a latex sealer and primer, the two may not be compatible once the sealer has cured. This could lead to pealing later on.
Use one or the other, not both unless the sealer specifically says "paintable"!
- NosehairLv 72 years ago
I am not familiar specifically with this application but primers are usually also sealers so use one and then paint.