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Do you think saluting Hitler in Europe is disrespectful?
Towards military and citizens of the native country that got terrorised by him, for example.
12 Answers
- 2 years agoFavorite Answer
saluting hitler is overall disrespectfull because he started a second world war and orderd to kill millions of innocent people. not to mention popularizing nazism and fascism
- Anonymous9 months ago
yes it shows disrespect for all those Murdered by Hitlers Tuird Reich
- Anonymous2 years ago
Nobody has been able to salute Hitler for 74 years. He died in1945.
- 2 years ago
In most parts of Europe it is ok to show or shout for saluting Hitler.
But in Germany, you go to jail if you do it in public.
And yes, it can be considered disrespectful.
- 2 years ago
they might hit you with a brick in the back of the head and leave you
- Anonymous2 years ago
He's dead, so there's no point in trying to salute Hitler.
- Verulam 1Lv 72 years ago
It's not disrespectful, just pretty STUPID given who the man was, what he did and how sensitive most Germans are about the past!!