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If the world is spinning , how do certain stars stay in the same place from our location.?

For example ive been seeing the same star in the same place for the past 7 years everytime I look outside of my rooms window at nite , howwwww? I'm puzzled!! We're supposes to be spinning !?!?!?!?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The world is not spinning. We are on a flat, stationary plane. Don't you know anything ?

  • 2 years ago

    Compare your visible stars every hour. Different huh.

    every 86 400.002 seconds the stars will be in the very same place.

    In truth, they move about even more, but unnoticeable to a casual observer.

    Look at the north star, Polaris, hardly visible movement, but a time laps photo, you see the rotation of stars around Polaris:

  • 2 years ago

    The only star that stays in the same spot in the sky is the north star, Polaris. This is because it is directly above the earth's axis of spin. All other stars and planets move across the sky during the night because we are spinning.

  • Clive
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    They don't. You're imagining it. The only one that doesn't move is Polaris. All the rest move round it once every 24 hours.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    First you would have to see the world spinning in order to notice the difference in the stars

    Source(s): Meditation
  • Tom
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    They don't. Only the pole star stays in place---all the others slowly spin around it. Check the stars a couple hours later and see where they are.---------Also they DO stay in the same place with respect to each other though--if that is what you mean. They are SO FAR away we cant see any parallax (apparent change of position) between them (Without sensitive instruments) even when the Earth moves around the sun.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    The Stars you see at night move across the sky slowly as the World Turns

    They are at such vast distances away, they have no Apparent movement

    Everything moves, Even our Sun through the Saggitarius Arm of the Milky way and around the centre of the same

    All Stars move at certain Vectors and Velocities

    Apparent Movement is the measure of their change of position to our view over time

    Distance makes the Parallax so tiny, they hardly appear to move at all

    Even though they could be going at 100's of thousands mph

    They could also be moving towards us or moving Away

    Stars close to the Central Supermassive Black Hole Saggitarius AB are whizzing around it in orbits at tremendous Velocities

    I sometimes wonder if you can see something that is actually travelling at the Speed of Light

    Say Big and Bright and in the outer reaches of our Universe

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    The stars are so far away that from our perspective they seem to remain in the same place. For us to see the change in the stars' location we would have to live for thousands of years. As an example the constellation we know as Ursa Major would seem to have a very different configuration to those who lived in the Stone Age. In about 7000 years Ursa Major will be unrecognisable as a bear.

  • 2 years ago

    If the star you're looking at is Polaris... then, that explains it - the pole star pretty much stays in one spot, all the time, 24/7, 365 1/4.

  • 2 years ago

    Well, that looks mostly true because of how far away stars are. Think about it this way. Planes fly at 500 mph but they move pretty slowly across the sky - if you compare it to what a car across the street moving at 500 mph would look like. Now, think about how fast the moon is moving - it’s rotating around the Earth at over 2000 mph. But, over the course of a few days you do start to notice it. The same is true of the stars. They are moving, but they’re so far away that it would take many years to be able to tell the difference.

    But actually, we do know that the stars move, and we’ve known for a couple centuries. Edmond Halley, the one Halley’s Comet is named after, found that the stars had moved since the Greeks came up with many of the constellations we know today. And as this NASA article explains, there’s a faint star called Barnard’s Star which we have the ability to measure moving today. Not to mention the comets and asteroids which pass through our solar system regularly which you can also see moving day to day.

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