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05 sentra remove front brake calipers then put wheels back ?

If I remove only the 2 front brembo calipers off my sentra ser , can I put the wheels back and still get a tow truck to pick it up and junk it ? So basically , I want to remove the front brake calipers , but I dont know if I can put the front 2 wheels back without any brake calipers mounted on them?? Will the rear brakes still work ? Will the e brake still work ? Help?!?!?!?!?

5 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    The brakes won't work. A tow truck is needed.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Back brakes will not work, e brake will unless it has other issues. Tow truck should pick it up, just tell them it has no brakes up front.

  • 2 years ago

    yes you can put the wheels back on, brakes the only brakes you would have is emergency brake.

  • 2 years ago

    If the rotors are still on the car the wheels will mount in with no problem. The rear brakes will not work with the front lines left open. You can try to use the parking brake, which is not very strong, but will stop the car as long as you go very slow.

  • Dan
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    Once you remove the calipers you have ZERO normal brakes but the parking brake will work and the wheels will go back on.

    If it's a 6 speed I'd pull the transmission too. That car has a very rare and strong 6 speed with a Torsen limited slip differential in it. Not that there's a huge market in the Sentra crowd but the guts can be pulled out and put into the Altima 3.5L 5spd tranny where it's quite happy with 260hp.

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