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? asked in Local BusinessesIndonesiaPalembang · 2 years ago

I am looking to buy my wife a tea cup chihuihua where or who do I go to to buy her a puppy ? I live in Colorado and I am willing to travel?

9 Answers

  • Heike
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    There's no such ting as a teacup chihuahua, or any other small breed of dog. backyard breeders advertising these are offering badly bred dogs, often with bad birth defects and with inflated prices. Get a dog from a proper breeder and save yourself the vet bills and heartbreak when a BTB pup sickens and dies.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Idiotic dog to buy. Overbred, inbred, full of health problems.

  • 2 years ago

    Reported for SOLICITATION. You're a lousy husband if you'd buy a sickly backyard breeder puppy bred way too small that will likely be dead before it reaches a year.

  • 2 years ago

    You will have to get one from BYBers or a Puppy Mill cause no reputable breeder would do that to a dog of any breed.

    BYBers & Puppy Mills

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Nobody with any sense, would look for, or BUY any "teacup" VERSION of any TOY breed. That is a "MARKETING PLOY" (called putting LIPSTICK on a PIG) that backyard breeders use, to sell sickly DEFORMED RUNTS, with HEALTH problems.

    The smaller than normal RUNTS with have LIFE LONG, health problems that will COST YOU a fortune, and will have an MUCH shorter LIFESPAN than a normal-sized animal, of the same breed. They will also bring you nothing but HEARTACHE.

    The term "teacup" is a RED FLAG to **RUN** from anyone advertising such animals for sale. They are not reputable breeders, and should be avoided - like they carry the PLAGUE!

    Please GOOGLE "Health Problems in Teacup dogs" and do your own research, if you doubt any of us, or speak directly to your vet about this issue.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    The word 'teacup' is a made up name that has become a fad, when in reality it belongs to undersized dogs that can go through horrendous health issues.

    Chihuahua's are the tiniest breed anyway and you would be far wiser to look for a well bred Chihuahua from a good breeder rather than go through the financial and emotional heartache of having a sickly dog.

  • 2 years ago

    Theres no such dog as a teacup anything... They are normally litter runts Marketed by their back yard breeders or puppymill breeders as teacup dogs, as they are runts they are also often very sickly dogs that are likely to cost you an arm and a leg in vets bills also... Suggestion therefore go too a decent breeder and get your wife a standard sized chihuahua instead

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Backyard breeders of ill-bred, undersized dogs usually advertise everywhere. You might want to learn how to spell the breed, then do your own research. Good luck with all the health problems that come with "teacups".

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Google. You will find all kind of places there to chose from.

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