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oldscholl88 asked in SportsSnooker & Pool · 2 years ago

Any advice on how to overcome these issues I have while playing in competition?

If I'm playing in tournament or playing heads up if i miss one or 2 balls I start questioning my stance, stroke etc, and only play worse. I get nervous and let snide comments get to me and sometimes just have confidence problem though I know I can play really well at times

3 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    you must go thru the same routine for every shot. once you get your spot you want to hit, start with your legs, then your upper body, then your stroke, then stay down and follow thru with a nice smooth stroke.

  • 2 years ago

    Never question your stance or stroke in the middle of a match. That's never the time to experiment with something different. Experiment with those things during practice and find what works for you, but during actual competition you should be doing what you are most comfortable with. Immediately ignore any negative thoughts from yourself or your opponent and just focus on the task at hand. If your nerves are a problem, it also wouldn't hurt to research breathing and meditation techniques to calm yourself during competition.

  • 2 years ago


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