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how did allah summon his prophet?

one hadith tells us allah heard mohammad wanted to come up to allah land. so allah ran down to the first heaven and lowered a rope and mo climed up to allah land that way. another says allah lowered a set of golden and silver stares and mo just walked up to allah land , yet another says he rode a flying horsey up to allah land.... so would a all knowing muslim tell us which one is true? muslims are not fools they know about how wonderfdul islam is!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A fancy tale even children will laugh at.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    he would call Jesus My son

    because Jesus was the Last Prophet of God Yarwey

  • 3 years ago

    The way Allah allow Prophet Muhammad (S) to rajjah or ascending to HIS high heaven is beyond our intellect to comprehend since we are living in the limited dimensions ie; energy ,mass space and time but the Prophet had travel in to the non limitation of region.When he look bellow he saw the roof of al Kabah or Baitullah on earth bound is near at his hand.So the region that exist beyond the known four limitation of dimensions of our cosmos can not encompass the timeless time.

  • DP.
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    In the most unusual of ways!

    For years Muhammad had visions and thought himself mad.... oh what a better world it would be had he remained of this view!

    It was only after years of such madness that he was persuaded the visions were from Allah and he declared himself a prophet.... so yes a really strange way for Allah to announce his presence and mightiness!

    Of course, Muslims have sought to bury this truth as it doesn't look so good. As a direct result different Muslim clerics have fabricated all kinds of wonderful stories as to how Allah called Muhammad.......... don't believe any of them!

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    You're not even trying to troll smarter, kid.

  • Anders
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    He didn't. Allah was mohammed's sock-puppet

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    The content you shared below is sickening and wrong. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon, was ascended to the heavens one night,a night of journey. A creature from the heavens was sent to uplift the Prophet into the heavens, a flying heavenly steed that is meant for prophets takes them into the heavens called Buraq, meaning 'lightening' took the prophet for a ride. The Archangel Gabriel was with the Prophet and lead the way into the heavens. The angel lead the prophet to a point where no creation of God has ever gone before and told the Prophet to walk on his own because he can no longer go from that particular point. The Prophet went on his own the way and was very near with his Lord and all he saw was great light everywhere surrounding. That night he talked with his Lord but can't see Him except His great eternal light. Nobody is able to see the Creator until the afterlife.

    The prophet journeyed and was carried from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascended to the heavens by the steed Buraq.

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