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Is it dangerous to live close to and parallel to cell phone tower transmitters.?

I live in the mountains and there is a cell tower about 1/4 mile away from my house. Because im higher up in the mountain im close to parallel to the transmitter. Is this dangerous?

17 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    Yes , it is . EMP 's can fry your brain .

  • 3 years ago

    Apparently it can increase the risk of getting cancer

  • 3 years ago

    Yes it is, unless you use a nail gun to apply your tinfoil hat & colander to protect your brain from the transmissions.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    No, the RF put out by cell towers is hundreds of times below the threshold of danger given by the FCC. The RF is non-ionizing radiation, meaning that you're safe. If you're concerned about cancer or other issues, the link below gives much more information than I could put in here, and should put your mind at ease.

  • 3 years ago

    Science does not seem to support any adverse impact on human health from standard radio emissions (the wavelengths being used are low energy and do not appear to be harmful to humans). When dealing with the phone to tower and back signal, there is no directional aspect so the inverse square rule applies and the intensity decreases rapidly with added distance from source. If the signals were harmful, then the use of cell phones would be a lot more hazardous than it is. The cell phone has to send a signal which can reach the tower, after all, and the tower really doesn't need a hugely bigger signal when communicating back to the phone. And the phone is right next to your head. Some people have raised questions about that issue, which would have to be a lot worse than yours, if there is one.

    Some towers do act as directed communications towers, using a dish to send a beam signal to some other tower (a beam like how radar works, from a dish) and that beam will not suffer the inverse square law loss of energy (it is a beam, a line, not a sphere). If you got in the way of that beam, then your exposure would be a lot higher than even a short distance outside of the beam, but the very idea of a building in the way of that beam means the beam would not work, so I doubt that will be a problem even if that signal could cause you harm (and that is not at all evident, we aren't talking a radar signal).

    In a very general sense, there could be reason to be concerned, but the energies involved are not known to be a source of problem, so while there is a potential risk (some e-m energy can be harmful) there does not appear to be a specific risk (these e-m signals are not known to be harmful). We have had radio for about a century or so and there is no evidence that supports a significant (as in we should worry) health risk from radio transmissions.

  • Todd
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    No. You get more emission from household products, cable TV wires, heavy buzzing power lines. I'm assuming by parallel you are describing horizontal line of sight. Anyway, the nuisance from the tower is that it's an eyesore.

  • 3 years ago

    no. Your phone close to your ear puts out many times more RF energy than the tower does.

    Besides, that is the entire reason for cell phone towers, breaking up cities into cells, each with it's own transmitter and receiver. There are thousands of these towers, and most people are much closer than you are.

  • Joe
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    It's not dangerous.

    Signal strength falls off very quickly, with distance. And, as those things go, 1/4 mile is a big distance. (Compare that to 1/4 inch, for the phone in your pocket.)

  • Mog
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    The only thing that comes to mind is that there are more reports of ghosts in houses that are in close proximity to cell phone towers and transmission lines.

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