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can I convert an exterior solid metal door into a 9 panel glass door?
I have a 9 panel glass exterior door installed on the back of my garage. The bottom of it is rusting out and needs to be replaced. Can I just buy a solid door and cut a hole in it to put the glass from the other door in?
5 Answers
- NosehairLv 74 years ago
Probably not a good idea for structural concerns to the door and it will definitely void out any warranty on the door.
- D JLv 74 years ago
You might have to check with local officials. The metal door may be required as a safety device, in case of fire in the garage.
- STEVEN FLv 74 years ago
You can REPLACE the solid metal door with a glass door. It isn't practical to CONVERT it.
I GUARANTEE it will cost more to FAIL at your plan than to do it right.
- ?Lv 64 years ago
That glass is probably too heavy for a flimsy door, especially one with the middle cut out.