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trying to cut out carbs.The hardest part about changing my diet is that I crave bread, crackers, and sugars....?

Can I eat whole wheat crackers & bread? is it ok if I eat more fruit to get my sugar fix or will that just be the same as having a sugary drink?

3 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Your body NEEDS carbs, you just have to choose the right ones. If you're going to have bread/tortillas/pasta (anything made with flour) make it whole grain. Avoid white flour. Avoid white sugar.

    You can eat fruit, but don't go overboard.

    If you want to change your diet, you have to learn some self control.

    "The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories."

  • 4 years ago

    No no crackers, bread, potatoes, beans, sugar.

    Eat primarily meat and leafy vegetables.

    Stevia for sweetener. Breakfast cereal gluten free for breakfast with blueberries or strawberries on top. 2% milk. Use real butter, not artificial.

    Sugar free Arnold Palmer or similar and sodas for drinks.

    And the good news. Go ahead and break your diet every once in a while...maybe once a month. It won't kill you.

    Source(s): Lost 14 lbs in 6 months and more importantly went from a 40 waist pants to a 38.
  • 4 years ago

    You can have up to 135 carbs a day. They should be healthy carbs - so whole grains is good. Sugar is bad.

    Two years ago I changed to healthy eating and lost 70 pounds. I make spaghetti with whole wheat noodles, burritos with whole wheat tortillas. You can do it. Just read labels.

    To get buy, I do buy a bag of chocolate chips. Suck on one and it will hold you to the next meal.

    Also, make sure you eat small meals rather than three big ones. For breakfast, I would normally have a banana. I have that midmorning to tie me over till llunch.

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