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Pressure too high on fridge vacuum side.?
I have a Frigidaire that i got for free new because it didn't work. I found out it had a hole in the condenser unit so I replaced it & added a new dryer filter. I found the spec for the amount of freon from inside the fridge 5lbs. I charged the system slowly with the can right side up never staying between 0 -5 psi. and used a digital scale to tell me when i've added enouth freon. I let the unit sit for hours so it can start to cool down. The PSI stays at about 0psi....It never cools. after about 8 hours the pressure jumps up to 50psi & the compressor stops coming on. What is wrong with this thing?
1 Answer
- mark_pocLv 64 years ago
You never mentioned pulling a deep vacuum on the system - did you do that? If not then there is plenty of moisture in the system and that will freeze up the capillary tube or expansion valve and stop the flow of refrigerant. Also, what is the head pressure?