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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPerforming Arts · 4 years ago

Did the introduction of recording technology play a role in the acceptance of improvisational jazz as a legitimate form.?

to what extent if any was it responsible for it`s development?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Back in the late 1950's I heard some old New Orleans musicians say they where doing it before they had access to any sort of recording technology. Actually they all used the word machines rather then technology. I was just a kid then and that's all I remember.

  • 4 years ago

    I assume your teacher wants an extended essay for an answer to something this complex. In all the years that I assigned the same homework question, I expected good research and good writing. If you think we are going to do this FOR you, the guess again. And beware people who will write things that sounds lovely but are all lies. Might as well have Sean Spicer write this. Or that odious Donnelly woman.

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