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woke up with mysterious bites?

So I woke up this morning with two bites between my fingers and one on my arm. The two between my fingers must ve just happened because they stung for a few minutes but the one on my arm just kinda itches. I couldn t find any kind of bugs, but I m just worried it could be a spider. Idk if there s any biking expertise out there that would possibly know befor I need to go to the hospital...

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Don't know why people are so hysterical over spider bites, there are worse biting insects around.

    I would rather get bit by a spider than a mosquito. Given spiders don't suck blood or feed on humans, that probably isn't what bit, and there are a host of skin conditions people mistake for bites.

    If you just have no evidence of any biting insect, it could be vegetation spines, some chemical reaction or a bacterial or viral skin condition. Not usually anything to worry about, Just keep the injuries clean and perhaps use a topical antibiotic like neosporin, that helps these heal, just may be aggravating for a while, but try not to scratch, that can make them infected and longer to heal.

    I never went to any doctor for such injuries, I having played with the bugs and spiders, got a bite now and then. Had poison oak, and thistle spines get bad in me. Had boils and other abscesses.

    The last spider that bit was 15 years ago, and watched it biting, just gone in a few hours.

    Damned mosquitoes, those can take a week or two to heal.

    Source(s): Studied venomous arthropod bites and stings.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Beware of bed-bugs. They really hide.

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