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Is it selfish and petty of me to desire a pretty lady in my life?

At forty one, I am twice divorced and have no intention of subjecting myself to another marriage. Apparently I just don't pick the right people or I'm not very good at it, and the separation proves so painful that I don't want to risk it again. I have exactly two friends, but they both have tails and limited vocabularies based on the word "meow". I don't get out much anymore and I am usually unable to socialize, so I'm not usually in the company of other people. My life is filled with regret and hurt, and to be honest I wish I could kill every last remnant of physical desire that remains. I wish I could also kill my wandering imagination, for it fills me with false hopes of moving to Montana and meeting new people who might actually care about me. Hope is a dangerous thing, and in my thoughts I find myself wanting to meet a pretty lady to spend time with. I ponder whether this is a good thing or not. If I think this way too often, do I set my expectations too high? And what would a lady, any lady, see in an ugly and wretched train wreck like me? Are my desires just the pathetic longings of a failed and damaged man, or should I hope for a better tomorrow?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    who cares whether it is selfish or petty? u care whether a good looking woman would want a loser like u. I do not see any reason why. so my sincere advice - contact the crazy cat lady and make a sanctuary for cats. but as u see - u do not even know whether she is pretty but she already has a contingency on meeting u - u MUST have a ranch in Montana, otherwise u re of no use for her and her cats. so see? a man must have smth for women to want him -. either being gorgeous and young and well endowed - then he marries smth rich and old, or being rich and pleasant and generous - then he will be the one to marry smth gorgeous and well endowed with boobs and a's's

    also my husband married me when he was 48 and I was in my 30. but he had lots of qualities I wanted in a man. and I had qualities he wanted in a woman - pretty face, big boobs and perfect a's's. and youth. that didn't come cheap for him

  • Clue
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Hey, you sound somewhat like me!!!

    do you have a ranch in Montana?

    I am a huge cat lover myself and I want to create a sanctuary for cats

    and some dogs too, or even farm animals like the Gentle Barn in California

    I wish I had the money to create it and have employees or volunteers to help me out

    with saving the animals!!!

    I don't socialize much either but I don't feel pity for myself

    I don't like humans that much

    I have never been married nor had any children

    and I don't want to marry or have kids

    my kids are my cats and a dog I recently rescued

    I connect with them much better!!!

    I have been single and celibate for 10 years

    and I hate working for money.

    I want to spend my time volunteering for animals and people in need

    and also TRAVEL the globe

    I want to feel FREE and unrestricted

    I haven't had ANY luck with men

    I had 2 boyfriends all my life

    and I have never enjoyed good sex

    I don't even know what an orgasm feels like

    with a man

    (I have them with my finger only LOL)

    I am not from the USA though

    and I am also looking for a non smoker, non drinker

    and non religious (but spiritual) HANDSOME man

    around 30-45

    I am a vegetarian btw

    No you are not selfish or petty

    Everybody is entitled to have DREAMS

    but you are right Hope is sometimes an obstacle and a curse

    I have been depressed and suicidal in the past

    because I am deprived of essential needs in my life

    like companionship

    but My BAD LUCK is not making much progress

    I am still hoping with empty hands

    Fantasies are what keep me going and attending spiritual courses

    doing energy healing, and my ANIMALS

    They are my best friends, and spirit guides

    I feel that I am supposed to meet my Twin Flame

    that's why it's been so hard to spot him out!!

    He is rare.

    So I don't know... I wish you PROSPERITY and PATIENCE

  • Sue C
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    NO, don't for a moment give up on yourself. There IS a special someone out there for us all. You just so happened to pick the wrong ones. I too have been divorced a couple times. The first one definitely due to the fact I got married far too young. The others were due to alcoholism. I'm now a 25 yr.sober alcoholic. married other alcoholics. None of these marriages worked out for diffeerent reasons, but still all due to drinking. I've since met someone I've now been with over 25 yrs. We bro't up marriage in the beginning, I just was not ready to get married again so/too soon. We never bro't it up again. Howrver, we've now been together that length of time. No relationship is "perfect" we've had our ups & dowms a couple times, worked thru it, have now made it OVER 25 yrs now & I'm not going anywhere, nor does he want me to. I'm SURE there too is a special someone out there just for you. You could do as I've done it ended up in happiness. Get yourself out & about so you can find & meet this person meant for you. as I did, there's NO reason you cannot end up as I have. just keep in your mind there IS a special someone for each of us, that also includes to you...:)

    52% Best Answers...

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Low self esteem is a turn off . Get your shyt together if you expect to bag a hot piece of azs .

    I didn't even get married until I was 40 and so am quite certain 40 is not the end of the road .

    Oh ,,,, and Montana has like 5 months of winter . Nice at times but 5 months of cold does nothing for me .

  • 6 years ago

    It's ok to like more attractive women, however the older you become the younger the women you will need, to sustain your desire for younger women. It's hard to ignore younger women.

    It will be difficult for you not to be with younger women especially if you have been with them before. Don't become to attach to them. Don't date the same young women long because you become too attach. Date more than at the same time if you want to continue to be married.

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