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nylon vs steel string guitar which is easier to learn?

What's easier to learn. When it comes to guitars because for some reason I think steel string is harder?

9 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Steel string instruments are usually used in folk, blues, rock, and some jazz. Nylon string instruments are used mainly in classical music but can be used for jazz as well as other styles. Nylon string guitars have wider necks than steel string guitars which can be difficult for some beginners. Steel string guitars have thinner necks but steel strings are a bit tougher on the fingers initially so there is a trade off. I suggest that you select a guitar based on the style of music you wish to play. While steel strings are a bit harder, they also help you develop callouses and finger strength faster than on a nylon string instrument.

    I also suggest taking lessons with a good qualified local instructor. Check with your local music stores for instructors and rates.

    Source(s): G.I.T. graduate 35+ years playing/teaching
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    What kind of strings are fitted effects the sound and feel of the guitar and influences the types of music the guitar is most suited for but has no effect on how hard is to learn to play. A guitar is a guitar!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Both are equally "easy" - or insanely hard to learn, if you are into "easy" more than "learning how to play", which is also "easy" if you don't worry about "easy" and just do the work. Aaarrgg.

    Around here, "Easy" is quick, sloppy, poor, and often just plain lazy.

    "Good" is doing what it takes, with some effort, then some accomplishment.

    "Hard" is letting the "easy" idea die a natural death!

    I hereby resolve not to mess with "easy" for some period of time. Aaarrghh.

  • borhan
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    what physics say

  • rr
    Lv 4
    7 years ago


  • Big Al
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    steel strings are harder on your fingertips. thats about it. put extra light guage steel strings on the guitar and it won't hurt as much . learning how to play guitar, steel string or nylon is the same, just sound and feel different. classical guitars have a much wider neck which would be easier for the finger picker. steel strung are louder and more versatile in what style of music you play. you can play what you want on either but the majority of styles will sound better on the steel strings while classical music is suited to nylon strings more.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You're making a mistake. Don't go for easier - choose the one you want to play more and go with it regardless of difficulty. As it happens, they're equally easy. Choose a nylon string (classical) guitar if you want to play classical music, otherwise go with a steel string flattop acoustic guitar.

    Source(s): Playing acoustic guitar for 52 years. I own both kinds.
  • 7 years ago

    princples of learning are the same regardless of string type. Nylon strings may be easier on fresh fingers but it doesnt take too long for calluses to build up. Choose your guitar based on your musical interests. Nylon guitars are usually used for folk and classical while steel string guitars are for most other types of music (rock, country, blues, jazz).

  • Murzy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I like steel strings

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