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HP laptop with internet issues?

My sister bought this hp laptop a few months back and its not working quite right. She had downloaded a bunch of crap programs and I deleted them and took care of the malware problem. Now the only thing that concerns me is that the internet doesn't really work on it. Its not the motum, because my computers working just fine off of it. I tried looking up programs that could be causing it but the internet doesn't have any answers. I'm about ready to take it back to the shop and have them fix it, but first I thought I'd ask here. Any help would be great. Thanks.

4 Answers

  • Fred
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I would try the least intrusive things first. You do not need a paid anti-virus. The most popular free programs are Avast, Avg, and Windows Defender.

    I would also try the free versions of Malwarebytes and Superantispyware. (EDIT: forgot to mention CCleaner)

    If these fail to correct things, I would consider restoring to factory condition. Before you do this backup any data you want to keep and also run and print out the results of a scan by the free Belarc Advisor. This will give you a great deal of info about your computer including product keys necessary to reinstall some software. This is probably what will be done by a computer repair shop.

    EDIT2: Prior to a factory restore try a restore point to a date earlier than your troubles began.

  • 7 years ago

    Control Panel, Programs and Features, CLick on Installed On to sort by installation date. Remove anything that doesn't look right (registry cleaner, recipe, toolbar, speed up my pc, etc). Installing free software (sw) off the internet is very risky. All kinds of junk spyware will automatically install and bog your internet down.

    Next on control panel, click Internet Options, Delete to remove temporary internet files, cookies, history.

    Click on Advanced Tab at top of Internet Options window, click Reset button at bottom of window. Restart Internet Explorer.

    Norton, McAfee, AVG, Avast ALL are a waste of time. I have repaired too many infected pc's with those antiviruses to ever depend on them again. I like Hitman Pro at

    Free for 30 days and then only 25 per year. I use it on all my pcs.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Best thing is to do is restore the system to a earlier time when thing is right for you simple

  • 7 years ago

    Get Norton OR Get some virus attacking thing

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