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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 7 years ago

Do the Far-Right have more in common with extremist Islam than they'd like to admit?

Sharia law (that thing apparently taking us all over, you know?) promotes the same kind of "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" barbaric judicial punishments that the far-Right would like to introduce to Britain, starting with the return of capital punishment.

Both ideologies believe in strict adherence to "gender roles" and hate feminism

A woman's place is the home, with the kids, barefoot and pregnant, cleaning behind the fridge and cooking dinner.

They're both staunchly anti-homosexual, and quite obviously racist, they don't want "outsiders" near them.

There are other parallels that could be drawn - but isn't it strange how much the far Right claims to hate Islam so much, citing these reasons?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both are extremist ideologies driven by hatred of outsiders. Including hatred of one another!

    Paul - like you I dislike many aspects of Islam (and many other religions) - the religion's attitudes to gay people, women and the extremists' attitude to unbelievers are hateful. But I'm not prepared to stand by and ignore it when extremists of the far-right try to spread hatred and demonise ordinary Muslim people by tarring them with the extreme views of the few. If you think that's "sticking up for Islam", then I disagree - it's sticking up for ordinary people who want to get on with their lives without being victimised by bigots.

    The extremists of the far-right and Islamic extremists are different sides of the same coin - and I'm no more '"sticking up for Islam" than you are "sticking up for fascists"

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    That's 'extremists' for you...but they (nor madmen on the other side of the fence; political or religious) will ever rule the roost in the UK...and not merely because of the sweethearts that come on here day in and day out presuming they speak for all.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If that is the case why do the left keep supporting/sticking up for islam? I have asked the question several times of lefties that I know, how they can support gay rights, women's rights etc and also islam. But I never get a sensible answer. Their inconsistency means it is hard to take them seriously.

    Some have said that MC is really about divide and rule; that does make sense.

    The right are not the only ones to have concern about islam and it is only strange when you stubbornly refuse to understand, as you clearly do.

    Your rant full of mindless accusations without evidence is also typical of those who would rather holler than understand. And we take the 'racist' accusation as something childish which one day you might grow out of. But I doubt it.

    Your question is worded in such an arrogantly biased way. You have so much hate in your head and your heart that you cannot, and do not wish to see any other point of view other than in a futile and confrontational way. Shame on you. You are pathetic.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The ultras if they are also evangelical & are convinced the bible is 100% true & they have no tolerance for anything other than what THEY believe is real.

    However the left has their version of Sharia law as Stalin had over 70 million of his own population put to death or let them rot in gulags.

    Mao also had over 70 million Chinese killed or starved to serve his commie purpose.

    Pol Pot in Cambodia, and the left list can go on and on.

    I am a far right wing "nut", but I know all the sides & determine the facts, just the facts before making my decisions.

  • 7 years ago

    You forgot to mention FGM, honour killings and child brides, is that because you'd rather pretend they don't happen?

    You can call me names all day and all night, but I won't pretend Islam is a religion of peace. It's not, it's a religion of war, hatred and totalitarian slavery.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, they're driven by the evil of conservatism.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the far right want to break bones the far left want to break minds, give me a good old fashioned nationalist over a lefty any day.

    extremist muslimites are freaks with an alien philosophy i don't wish to understand.

  • 7 years ago

    Your 'question' is full of ridiculous and untrue parallels and comparisons.

    Extreme right, Extreme left or Extreme Islam are all destructive and evil, but if you want to draw comparisons please find something relevant.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think you are getting mixed up with the UAF and muslims! Both batting for the same side with the same beliefs!

  • 7 years ago

    They need each other

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