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? asked in TravelEurope (Continental)Turkey · 7 years ago

What is it like to live in Turkey alone (forever, as a girl)?

So, i'm 18 years old, and im planning to go live in Istanbul in summer, forever. Im gonna live alone, like ALONE, without friends and family. i have already got a job there, but i still havent agreed.

How is it to live there alone as a girl?

(Pros and cons?)

5 Answers

  • Orla C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's a very different culture to the US, but it's not like Copulate Yahoo says it is.

    I think you are making a mistake assuming that you will stay there forever. You might, but you might also decide to move on and live someplace else.

    In any case, if you cannot support yourself with work, you won't be getting a visa, and if you don't get the right visa, you won't be staying there for long at all. I suggest you familiarise yourself with those rules BEFORE buying your plane ticket, because you can't just take a one-way flight anywhere anymore, simply because you feel like it.

  • 7 years ago

    Istanbul has the greatest life in the turkey. Don't worry stay away from the jerks but one day you will find a nice turkish guy who will make you happy who knows.. maybe you won't get a bf from here but nevermind. Just do whatevery you want in turkey like i said stay away from jerks.

  • 7 years ago

    I live in Istanbul (now I am married) but here is just amazing even if you are alone. I have traveled alone for many places and is very easy to fall in love for this country.

    Don't listen some bulshits about Turkey.

    You are just going to see a different culture than you see in your hometown.

    I lived for 2 years in Saudi Arabia and even hard, I never regret because the world id much bigger than US.

    I am traveling (working) for 5 years, I have met and seen so amazing things in this world...

    Just ignore some racist comments about this or that and put of feet on that plane! Life is beautiful and the world is much bigger than your belly bottom.

    There is non pros here. I have a very normal life.

    Funeral is for weak people which thinks the world is just their country. Turkey is FULL of life.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Have you ever been there b4? Ever been out of the US of A?

    I had a girlfriend that was from Turkey. We traveled there so she could see her family. Turkey is not like the US in any imagination. They can and do strip search you on the street for any reason. They have planted drugs on US citizens and they went to prison. The US has an embassy there but is useless with the turks. If you think you will be happy there all alone, you would be happier by stripping naked and standing in the center of time square in new york city with a sign - DO WITH ME WHAT YOU WILL.

    Before you go, have a mock funeral for yourself. You won't be alive long there. You doubt me? Don't! Your life, your death, your choice.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    actlly,i m also love to live alone....but,after sometimes(amount of "sometimes" may vary for person to person)

    u feel for ur family for sure..

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