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How many video games are in the world?
I'd just like to know.
2 Answers
- BrodenLv 57 years ago
Well, you may not like this answer, but with digital distribution becoming the norm, it's easier to put games out these days(with things like Kickstarters and/or betas aka work in progress titles). Do you also count flash games, mobile games or video poker in casinos? The fact is, there are so many video games put out every day that it's kind of impossible to count all of them. All I can say is that I think there must be tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of games in existence today. If you mean physical copies only, then the number is still very high if you count all of the retro games on the classic consoles (Atari, NES, GENESIS, etc) and also counting all of the games on obscure/forgotten consoles like the Panasonic 3DO, Apple Bandai Pippin and Philips CD-i. You would also have to count arcade cabinet games that weren't remade on consoles or PC/Mac/Linux.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Only like, 2 or 3...