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Smash Bros. 4?

I'd just like to see peoples opinion on the game. Mainly the newcomers, the new stages and the release areas.

I can't say all the new stages, but I know the rest.

The newcomers so far are Greninja (Pokemon), Little Mac (Punch-Out!!), Rosalina (Super Mario [[Galaxy]]), Villager (Animal Crossing), Wii Fit Trainer (Wii Fit.....) and Megaman (Megaman).

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't wait for the game to come out! I love the idea of having a smash brothers game on a handheld.

    As for the newcomers, I think there are too much Pokémon as characters. You have Pikachu, Charizard, Lucario, Greninja. I'd probably prefer to have Lucario gone and maybe have another character from the Fire Emblem series like Chrom.

    Little Mac, Megaman, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer and great ideas, I love it!

    I think Rosalina wasn't needed, not a lot of people know her since Mario Galaxy is one of the least selled games in the Mario franchise.

    One thing I don't like either is that Zelda/Sheik and Samus/Zero suit are now individual characters. I liked the old style where Zelda could transform into Sheik and where Samus lost her suit. Too bad, but I will probably accept it in the future.

    I still want this game so badly, cause there are also so many good points! 10/10 would buy.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'm loving it so far, especially the chance to customize character movesets (looks like it'll be a little complicated though)

    I'm indifferent for the stages, they don't really effect my play styles unless there are stage hazards like that new Yellow Devil for the Megaman stage

    Now for the newcomers:

    -Greninja - Awesome, my favorite X/Y Pokemon and a ninja with lots of ninja moves

    -Little Mac - Looks cool, but lacks aerial movement, which is troublesome for me since I like air attacks

    -Rosalina - Reminds me of Viola from Soul Calibur V, I'm definitely checking her out

    -Villager - I have no idea what to say for this guy, looks interesting though

    -Wii Fit Trainer - A huge "WTF?" with some laughs; looks like an strong fighter, but still a big "What?"

    -Megaman - Just buy his franchise already Nintendo! He's gonna be awesome

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I've seen a bunch of sites with sections dedicated to smash bros 4 discussion

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Im still mad at them for taking Dr.Mario out of the game.

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