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Which was more of a whopper?

Which quote ranks higher than the others?

A. Read my lips, 'No new taxes.'

B. I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski.

C. If you like your plan, you can keep it?

Personally, I think A was really misquoted as people confused the homonyms and the quote is really, "Read my lips, 'know new taxes'."

links are:


I didn't include the WMDs because that's more in the category of either being a mistake (which isn't a lie) or that they were all spirited out of the country before being found.

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, let's go through 'em.

    A. Read my lips - no new taxes. The Democrats controlling Congress FORCED those new taxes through and blamed them on the President. Where he screwed up was in not using his veto pen properly, so I guess you can qualify it.

    B. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Monica Lewinsky. We ALL knew that was an out-and-out lie when it was delivered, so it really kinda doesn't qualify. And frankly, it's a lie that wouldn't have mattered to anything if it hadn't been delivered while under oath before a grand jury.

    C. If you like your plan, you can keep it. Half of us knew that was fiction when it was delivered, but it preyed on those who support this guy, (the weakest among us coincidentally,) and those people are STILL refusing to accept that as a lie even when the President himself has admitted it was a lie when it was delivered. So I give it the prize.

    EDIT: Hey Elliot - more Democrats delivered your lie than Republicans, including Al Gore and John Kerry. You... know that, right?

    EDIT 2: Dave - He was impeached. He just wasn't removed from office.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No new taxes came from Bush but came from a democratic congress

    Read her lips was what Clinton said about a girl at the Whitehouse who's parents were big donors to the Clinton campaign. But it only effect the Clinton's credibility.

    If you like your plan you can keep your plan was a big lie (Pinocchio winner) or an incompetent president who never read the bill. But even after the truth came out the President kept saying the same thing plus you can keep your doctor. So he had to deliberately lie about the Democratic Obamacare to ALL of the AMERICAN people on purpose.

    So to me the biggest Whopper was our president lying about the Democratic Obamacare (AHC).

  • 7 years ago

    I am one of the few people that believe that Clinton was not lying. By Clinton's definition and mine, sexual relations requires penetration. What Clinton said was that he did not penetrate. All he did was a little hooking up like most high schoolers are doing today.

    The other two weren't lies either, just bad predictions.

  • Randy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Bush 1 actually meant what he said but he said it before he took office and learned just how financially messed up the country actually was. By then he had no choice but to go back on his promise.

    Clinton out and out knew he was lying when he spoke and I don't believe Obama was all that far off when he made his statement.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I think B should be changed to "I did NOT rape all those women!" And if we could get Queen Hillary the Great to stand next to Mr. War on Women while he says it, so much the better.

    C, however, takes the cake in terms of the effect it is and will be having on the entire nation.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    C. Is by far the worst whopper as it will have consequences that will effect our Republic for years if not generations to come if it's not repealed and replaced with something that is more market driven and actually affordable for the American Public and Government.

    Though I would like to review and address the whoppers in alphabetical order.

    A. "Read my lips, no new taxes" was a promise in which Bush did not have the political capital to keep. He eventually allowed the top marginal rate to be raised from 28% to 31% which was squarely on higher income earners along with the increase of excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol, automobiles and luxury yachts. These taxes were inconsequential to most of the American public as the outrage was a feign call of rage to only discredit Bush's character.

    B. "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski" as we now know has a greater meaning since what we have found out to be true about Bill Cosby. It wasn't just the fact that Bill Clinton lied under oath about his sexual activity but the most deplorable thing that occurred was when his supporters rallied behind him with the help of Hollywood to protect him when they drove the narrative that eventually made the prevailing perception that "It was only Sex" into a public fact. In reality it was more than consensual sex, for in reality it also involved sexual misdeeds against women which included the allegation of rape. Finally those accusers were destroyed in the Press by Hillary Clinton and Clinton supporters. This final act in itself is a high crime against victims of sexual assault and set the tone to allow women to be objectified.

    C. "If you like your plan, you can keep it" is a smaller part of a larger lie that will effect our individual freedoms in obvious and unknown ways for years to come. It will most noticeably reduce freedom of choice which is a hallmark talking point for Liberals in other issues. It will also have a profoundly negative effect on our economy and our economic progress. It will stunt the growth of medical and pharmaceutical technology which is even expected by the most adherent supporters of this act as they are willing to forego quality for quantity. Finally many people with fixed incomes who had low cost insurance will and have already lost these plans and will be forced into State Medicaid Welfare Programs with low quality health care, and most will find that going to the Emergency Room may be their only way to receive timely healthcare as it may take as much as a month to get an appointment with a doctor and then longer to be referred to a specialist.

  • 7 years ago

    A. That was just stupid. No control of congress? You just knew that his hand would be forced.

    B. An out and out lie on a non-governmental matter.

    C. An out and out lie on something that affects practically everyone.

    I have to go with C.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    c. If you like your plan, you can keep it ! The most devastating lie financially to the American public. Interested to see when the "Affordable" Healthcare Plan will implode !

  • 7 years ago

    B and C. They all promise no new taxes, but not many others can screw up as bad as those that quoted these two.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the 2 parties are like 2 cheeks of the same buttocks & they're full of s#!t

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