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Can you answer this Pokemon Quiz correctly?
I'm bored, so I would like to try this.
First person to get all the answers right, or the person who got the most questions right by sometime later, will get Best Answer.
1. What is the only Steel/Fighting Pokemon?
2. What Pokemon has the highest Base-Stat Total (all of the stats added up)?
3. What does Kangaskhan evolve from in Red/Blue?
4 Answers
- 7 years agoFavorite Answer
There are 2 Steel/Fighting types (I think): Cobalion and Lucario
Mega Mewtwo X/Y (780)
Kangaskhan doesn't evolve from anything, although there's a theory that a baby Kangaskhan is a Cubone without it's Skull Helmet thing.
- 7 years ago
I'd assume Arceus, may be wrong though.
Marowak :P
Source(s): I like turtles