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? asked in PetsCats · 7 years ago

How to convince my parent to get a kitten?

I think my parent doesn't want more cat litter and stuff and doesn't want a kitten hurting our older cats!


Mir, you are just an idiot...

The point is that a kitten could get used to me more then my other cats and have a better personality if raised properly.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Your parents told you no, that means no. You only want a kitten because its cute and you are bored of the cats you have. You dont take care of the cats you have and dont clean up after them and dont pay for the litter or vet bills.

    "The point is that a kitten could get used to me more then my other cats and have a better personality if raised properly."

    Being raised properly will have no effect at all on the kittens adult temperament. You are just bored with the adult cats and want a shiny new kitten

  • Mircat
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What's the point of a kitten? It will be an adult cat in just a few months. If you already have cats, try to make their lives happier and more enriched and take care of what you've got.

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