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Atheists, if you could live 3x as long without ageing would you be interested?

There's a small detail, to get it you have to be a believer in the Communication the Creator provides, dreams and visions, and the many benefits the use of them provides, as shown by Joseph, Moses, Jonah, Jesus, Darwin, Edison, Bell, Tesla, Einstein, Cayce, many creative people (books, music, plus a spectrum of inventions and discoveries), and several Nobel Prize winners. Would you still want it? It doesn't involve religion, just that simple belief that dreams are useful, as so many people have shown.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1. To be a believer in the communication that the creator provides suggests a belief in the creator and that he is a reason all those artistic works of art exists. If he was responsible, then I would believe, but I can't force myself to believe in something I don't believe exists.

    2. If you are referring to believe that these people had interesting artistic value including the things they wrote "about the creator" than I am already there. Just because I don't believe doesn't mean I don't appreciate literature and the arts. =/

    Sure, an extention at life would be cool. Whether it would be beneficial for the whole of mankind is another story. I would have to assume everyone would be capable of this extention.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I am not willing to buy into nonsense, no matter the possible benefits. Tempting offer though! ;-)

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