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Rental Income Tax/My ex-wife has rented the marital house and has collected the rent and use it for herself. W?
My ex-wife has rented the marital house and has collected the rent and use it for herself. Who has to claim the rent on the income tax return??
Before the house is sold and to avoid problems with Canada Revenue Agency or IRS,what my ex wife has to sign: an Affidavit,a Declaration Form,a Disclosure Form............any lawyers online
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
I would just contact the IRS and report it..and make sure that you are in no way financially responsible for what she has done.. and if you are you can take it to court
- ?Lv 48 years ago
Your spouse accumulated it hence she is entitled to checklist it herself gazing the regulation on your section She is answerable for each nickle dime and cent i might sign a affidavit which you're actually not in charge for accumulating ANY hire and function not profited