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Katherine W asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

My cat drinks water from the bathtub?

We provide her with fresh water every day. She was sharing the bowl with another cat, but now we've added a second water bowl. However, she's licking the side of the bathtub for the water that's dripping down after I shower. Why is she drinking water out of the bathtub?

Tonight, we also noticed her drinking water out of rain puddles. Is there something else we should do for her? Why is she doing these things when we provide water?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cats taste things very differently than we do. For example, they have more sweet-receptors on their tongues than we do, which is why they loooove milk, it's liquid sugar to them (and perhaps reminds them of mum). If the water you are giving her is filtered, that may leave a residual taste she doesn't care for.

    Also, it could be that it's just fun for her. Water emerging from the wall would be rather perplexing to a cat with no concept of plumbing, right? Perhaps she associates the water dish with stale water and shower water with fresh water? Whatever it is, bath water is better than no water and it's not dangerous at all. But any sort of outside water could have possibly have motor oil or fluids that could be fatal, but thats a risk you take with any outside cat.

    If you really want her to drink filtered water, try one of those cat fountains that constantly circulates the water. They're kind of expensive but cats do dig them.

    Source(s): Background in animal behavior and psychology
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    My cat does it too. I give him fresh clean water every day but he likes to go drink out of puddles in the driveway and stick his head under the faucet in the bathtub. Cats can be weird.

  • 5 years ago

    My cat does it to its fine your cat will not be harmed by it nor will your tub be harmed. On the other hand drinking outside water could be harmful if there was oil or garbage in it so i would be careful with that.

  • 9 years ago

    Cats are just weirdos haha.

    My cats are like that too.

    && when they finish drinking in the tub they fall asleep in it.

    Or the sink.

    Haha it's pretty funny but yea cats are just weird :)

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