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David asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

How do I get my cat to like me?

My mom's cat has always been shy from the day we adopted her from the shelter. She only likes my mom, and she is absolutely terrified of me. She runs for her life from me, as though I am out to kill her. This has been going on for over a year now, and it's upsetting to never get to even touch an animal for which I care for. Any suggestions?

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    pet it

  • 9 years ago

    Heres a few things you could try:

    1.) play with her, like string you could put the string far away from you and pull it towards you, so the cat will come with it... also the cat will know your playing with her and be greatful

    2.) If your in the same room as the cat try lying on the floor, your more vunerable like this, normally you may be intimidating as you will seem like a giant...

    3.) If you ever see the cat then stand still with your hand out and again be low down, the cat may come up to you, stay still and she may then sniff your hand, checking your scent after this is she comes closer toyou then stroke her

    over time im suee the cat will start to like you, she may hve had a bad life before you adaopted her, she just needs time

  • brmxld
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    First off, try not to take it to heart. She may have had a bad experience in the past and is on edge because of that. Secondly, take it easy and don't chase after the cat, let her come to you. Years ago when my fiance told me about his cat he assured me that she would probably hate me as she had previously disliked everybody else in the house other than him, but when I did finally meet Bud she took to me almost immediately. I have a naturally quiet disposition and I usually just let kitties be instead of cornering them somewhere. She was a beloved pet for us and I still remember the nights she lay under my side of the bed purring away as I settled down to sleep. She had her moments of mischief but she was a good cat and I loved her. I cried when she died but we knew she was on her way out at the time. She was 14 years old so she had a good life. Sometimes we think about getting another cat but finances are a bit tight at the moment. I could definately love another one as much as I loved our Bud though. Other than what I've already suggested with letting her come to you in her own time, you could offer her some kitty treats from time to time and play with her. Our Bud used to love chasing after moving lights. We'd do this by turning on a flashlight and let the beam dance around her feet then have it skip across the room to somewhere else and then again and again until she was done for the time being. Remember kitties often need time to build trust and she will probably come around eventually when she realizes you aren't so scary after all. Keep on loving her and love your Mom too because she will pick up on that.

  • 9 years ago

    You feed her and she will not see you as a thret and get a play mouse and try to help her to come round.

  • 9 years ago

    cats are pretty simple just give them space, feed her yourself and let her approach you she will want your attention if it seems like your the one playing hard to get

    Source(s): I wake up with my cat on my chest staring at me everymording kinda creepy
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