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Making a receipt in Word/Open office?
I need to make a receipt template in Open Office (or Word) for my boss. Its basically just a bunch of lines that say stuff like (Sum:, Signature:, etc) That is simple enough. My issue is that I need to make 8 copies of this receipt on the same page. So that when its printed you can cut it up and have 8 receipts.
Any tips?
3 Answers
- Anonymous9 years agoFavorite Answer
You can create a table (2x4 or 4x2 size) into your word document and adjust it so that total size covers the whole A4 page. Then make the lines of the table "white" to make it invisible when printing. Then create a layout receipt in one cell. Copy it to the other 7 cells. There is your 8 receipts in one page...
Hope it helps
- 6 years ago
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Making a receipt in Word/Open office?
I need to make a receipt template in Open Office (or Word) for my boss. Its basically just a bunch of lines that say stuff like (Sum:, Signature:, etc) That is simple enough. My issue is that I need to make 8 copies of this receipt on the same page. So that when its printed you can cut it up and...
Source(s): making receipt word open office: - SailingByLv 79 years ago
Remember to create the dotted lines by setting up a right tab with a dot leader at the far right-hand side, then all you have to do is press Tab to create the row of dots. If you just press the full stop key, it's not only tedious but they probably won't line up when you come to print.
The table suggestion is good, or you could select a label format that has 8 labels per sheet of A4, and just copy your receipt onto each label.