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Lv 6
tj asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Sandusky's (adopted) son a victim...?


I'm watching CNN and apparently Matt Sandusky, adopted by JS at the age of nineteen, requested a meeting with the crown to speak about the abuse on the day the prosecution was closing it's case.

The biological mother of Matt said she felt Sandusky had 'stolen' her son and for a year now she's been saying something wasn't right. She saw things that bothered her.

Sarah Ganim, reporting live from the trial, says at the prosecution close, JS would smirk and/or smile when the most crucial evidence was laid out for the jury. Almost as if he was enjoying hearing the details.

I have faith the jury will do the right thing.

Please tell me your thoughts on this.


2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a little suspicious because Matt Sundusky waited until the jury began its deliberations when he came forward with this revelation.

  • 9 years ago

    Well considering that there are probably more false claims of sex abuse than all other crimes combined, I wonder how much he has been offered.

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