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Cute room prank ideas?
My boyfriend is out of town right now, and I want to do something cute to his room to surprise him when he gets back. I don't really think "prank" is the right word, but any ideas?
4 Answers
- Anna MarieLv 69 years agoFavorite Answer
Leave him little cute notes for him everywhere. Like in books, under his pillow, behind things he uses daily & stuff like that. My husband loved when I did that for him & actually kept some of them in his wallet. :)
Spray painting is a bad idea because if he's renting he could get in a lot of trouble for it. If he's with his parents, I highly doubt they'd like you ruining their wall but at least then you could ask.
- Anonymous9 years ago
Put pink wallpaper up.
Put stuffed animals in his room
blah blah blah blah blah
blaahhh balaha blaha lala
tra bkah
- Anonymous9 years ago
Spray paint I <3 you on his wall.
- Anonymous9 years ago <----- GOOD ONE
Source(s): youtube