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Setting up network on Windows 7?
I had a network set up between two computers at my house before. When we switched to cable internet I had to redo the network. For some reason this time I cant get it to work. I tried the network settings in control panel as well as home group. Neither computers appear on each others networks or homegroup. We are still using the same router as before.
1 Answer
- Plain VanillaLv 59 years agoFavorite Answer
Looks like your system dns cache has not been renewed since you redid your network. your router may have assigned different ip addresses to the machines than what is in the cache of the systems.
go to command prompt on both machines
execute ipconfig /flushdns
execute ipconfig /registerdns
execute ipconfig/renew
execute ipconfig /all
note down the ip address of the machine
now try to ping one computer from the other system like:
where is the ip address of the second system.
If the ping is returned then your have a connection between the two machines. Now you can try to find it in windows explorer or homegroup.
BTW you mentioned you had to 'redo' the network though the router is the same as before. What exactly did you change on the network?