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Playing PC games Remotely?

I know there is plenty of software that can let you control your PC remotely, but I want one that supports enough FPS (frames per second) to make it viable for gaming like with Diablo 3. My host computer with the games has about 3 to 4 mbps upload speed and the other computer would have about 2.5 down speed. So I know its possible, though maybe not in HD.

Know any good software? (that is free or fairly cheap)

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    try maybe asking in a tech support forum such as this one:

  • 9 years ago

    This really depends on what you define here as "remotely".

    If you mean say from the install being on a server in a building and you playing from within the same network then you have no problem.

    If you mean say you are in LA and your D3 game is installed on your computer in NY and you wish to play while on vacation you run into a few problems.

    1. You can use say: for the remote access but..

    2. Youre most likely when gaming going to get a black screen when you launch the game.

    This is because the video playback is only supported if the clip goes through the windows display driver. If the playback is using video overlay, where the video is produced and displayed directly by your video card, then it cannot be captured. This also happens often with 3D games as well.

    3. The internet speed up/down you listed is going to cause you A. latency issues (even if problem 2 didnt exist) and B. The refresh rate for the game itself is going to be nowhere near something viable for enjoyment (again if problem 2 doesnt exist). Those speeds are fine for livestreaming some content but youre certainly not going to have enough for any fps numbers, again, to be enjoyable if any at all.

    Some options (though you are limited by the games in the collection) is to use a service like as they host the games on that service remotely and you can play from anywhere. But, again you are limited to the games in their library (which while expansive, im pretty sure D3 isnt on there)

    Best of luck.

  • Joyce
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well World of Warcraft is amazing but expensive, it's also very adicting so watch out. Runescape is fun but takes sort of long to level up and stuff (could be a good thing). Minecraft is very fun and cheap. Runecape: involves quests, swords, magic, exc World of Warcraft: involves same stuff as runecape Minecraft: I don't know how to explain it lol, but still really fun Overall I would say Runescape, hope I helped:D

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