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14 years old and going to prom- dress help?

I'm being forced to wear a long dress (really just means my date wants me to, and considering he asked me and all I figure I better listen to him about this, haha *smile*), but that's the only requirement. I've got a little backne that I'd like to keep covered as well. But other than that, what kind of dresses look alright on a small framed small boobed ginger? I'm 5'3" and weigh about 100lbs. Any advice regarding cut of dress or color or anything? I've never worn a prom style dress before, only cocktail length. Pretty much freaking out, so anything'll help(: Thanks!

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    hi there. so im thinking with your hair colour, black would look amazing with it.

    i found this dress and the price isnt actually that bad. its a simple dress, but the front piece makes it look dressy and pretty for a prom. add a pair of silver heels to match the centre piece. wear your hair to the side and you will look just devine.

    hope i helped. xxxxx

  • 9 years ago

    for a young girl, pink, yellow, white and other bright colors are perfect. you say you want to wear cocktail length dress, i think a cocktail length dress with bubble skirt is ideal.

    like this one

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

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